The Naked Yoga for Men group offers naked Yoga and Qi Gong classes throughout the San Francisco Bay Area, where men can come together and connect spiritually, mentally and physically in the absence of sexual tension. Join us in these playful and fun non-sexual classes for men who want to bond in a unique way.
There are a number of reasons to practice naked. While our society often equates being naked with sex, other cultures have found that being naked removes many social and economic barriers. It is also very freeing to move the body without the restriction of clothing, and yoga provides a great way to deepen body acceptance. Also, being naked can bring up many of our vulnerabilities. By facing these fears in the context of a safe and supportive community of men, we naturally become more grounded and comfortable with ourselves.
Men of all shapes, sizes, colors, ages and physical abilities are welcome to attend. Whether you are straight, gay or bi; new to yoga or a long time yogi – you are welcome. All you need is yourself, a bottle of water and a towel and a yoga mat.
Logistics: Classes are donation based; we suggest a donation of between $10 and $20. You should arrive 10 minutes before class begins. No registration is needed. A limited number of spare mats are available at each location. We encourage people to refrain from wearing colognes and scented deodorants as some people are sensitive to these smells. At the same we ask that you please shower before class as some people are sensitive to natural smells as well.
“There is an endless net of threads throughout the universe…At every crossing of the threads there is an individual. And every individual is a crystal bead. And every crystal bead reflects not only the light from every other crystal in the net but also every other reflection throughout the universe.” -Indra’s Net
“The mystical bond of brotherhood makes all men brothers.”
-Thomas Carlyle
“Each of us is a being in himself and a being in society, each of us needs to understand himself and understand others, take care of others and be taken care of himself.” ~Haniel Long
**A big THANK YOU to the artists that made this new website possible:
-Photographer: Jouke Lanning Email:
-Photographer: Jon S.
-Web designer: Ed Ehrgott of Tekpals Email:
I never seem to comprehend the phrase "perfect yoga voice" until I practice yoga with Ken, both in an individual basis and in class. His gentle, soothing, yet deep and confident voice makes yoga directions easy to follow. Aside from his voice, he is very patient and understands the needs of his students and gauge the intensity of the class quite well. In a class setting, he would provide several alternatives to a yoga pose that accomodate the different level of yoga practice between the students. In other words, whether you are a new yoga student or someone that practice it for a long time, you can still benefit from taking his class. Ken is warm and friendly and certainly provide adequate attention for new and returning students. I thoroughly enjoy his classes as I have seen great improvement in my flexibility and coordination over the past year. I am an exercise physiologist and I usually recommend clients to practice yoga as part of his/her flexibilty training component and Ken would be the top name on my list whom I refer my clients to! -Tim
Naked yoga Rocks! I like it so much I don't want to go to a "regular" yoga class. The Instructors are amazing and caring. The mend are friendly and supportive. Take a risk, try a naked yoga class. You won't be disappointed! -Lee J.
When you want to learn yoga the right way, you need a great teacher! Attending one of Ken's classes not only benefits you physically but mentally and spiritually as well. Ken has a wonderful, fun, challenging sense of humor and knows how to teach a mixed level class. He has great intuition on helping everyone regardless of level, always walking around the room checking and helping. His partner and or circle pose's are a lot of fun and let you connect with others. The fact he is not only beautiful on the inside but also on the outside doesn't hurt either! Give it a try and you won't be disappointed. I highly recommend him! -Jouke Lanning
Ken is responsible for me starting my yogic journey and I finally had the pleasure of taking his Tuesday naked yoga class in San Francisco Sun Room. I have known Ken on/off for a number of years and have always thought of him as a gentle soul with a kind heart. His actions in class proved my impression of him to be accurate. Ken is courteous, professional, kind, gentle, playful, and attentive to all. He provided modifications continuously so everyone could attempt the poses irregardless of our yoga experience. It's a honor to call Ken a friend and now (another) one of my yoga teachers who inspires me....I look forward to taking more of his classes. -Peter W.
Ken is full of energy and love - you can feel that being around him and in his class. Come check it out. -Errol Feria
- Starting a Home Practice Video October 1, 2014
- The Day I Learned to Levitate by Ron Wood October 1, 2014
- How to Slow Down to the Speed of Life September 24, 2014
- Pose in a Proud Warrior…Be a Proud Warrior: How to be a Man April 18, 2014
- The NAKED Truth about COMPERSION January 28, 2014
A very special OPEN LETTER from James Doherty February 23, 2013
- What’s the Difference between Restorative and Yin Yoga? by Christian Kunz March 31, 2013
- Pose in a Proud Warrior…Be a Proud Warrior: How to be a Man April 18, 2014
Guest Teacher David Moreno is interviewed on Yogiviews June 23, 2012
- Starting a Home Practice Video October 1, 2014