Frequent Questions

Hatha Flow Lunge
Why do yoga naked?
While many equate being naked with sex, that could not be further from the point
at a naked yoga class. Being naked and doing yoga is both practical and liberating,
and doing it with other men is a great way to connect in a non-sexual way.
I’m looking for a peep show, how do I sign up?
You should not waste your time. The energy in the room is very clear, and the men
who come are very focused on celebrating their bodies through yoga. There is a
decidedly non-sexual vibe in the room and while many have come expecting to be
titillated, they often comment that what they found was a much more rich and
rewarding experience. In addition, through has not yet been necessary, we have no
problem asking someone to leave if his behavior is inappropriate.
What happens if I get aroused?
Erections happen for all sorts of reasons and are not limited to sexual attraction.
Yoga poses move a lot of prana (energy) in the body and sometimes erections
happen. This is rarely an issue, but if it does “come up” there is nothing to be
ashamed of. Further, most of the other guys in the class will be so focused on their
own practice that it is doubtful they would even notice.
I don’t have the perfect body-will I feel out of place?
Being naked and doing yoga can be vey intimidating. Most of us are not A&F
models and yet we hold ourselves up to that standard. This is one of the reasons
this class can be so healing. People of all shapes, sizes, races and physical abilities
attend this class. All are welcome and most feel very comfortable once they arrive.
How much do classes cost?
Classes are donation-based, so come often and give what you can afford. We suggest a donation of between $10 and $20.
What should I bring to class?
Bring a mat, a towel, and some water. We have a limited number of loaner mats at each studio; first come, first-served.
Do I need to make a reservation?
Reservations are not needed; however, there is limited space at the Eros and Liberation Institute’s locations, and it’s first-come, first-served. We suggest you try to arrive 10 minutes early to give you time to set up and settle in.
What style of yoga do you teach?
Most of our classes are Hatha Flow yoga that involve poses, breathing, meditation
and relaxation but we also have a Restorative class as well. The classes
provide a physical workout, and emotional and mental cleansing, and an
opportunity to reconnect spiritually. The room temperature is a warm (75-80
degrees) but not hot, as we try to build the fire from within. You will want to bring
a towel and yoga mat as well as a bottle of water.
I’m a straight guy. Will I be the only one there?
Certainly more gay and bi guys are open to a naked class, but many straight men
come as well. As I have noted over and over, this is a very non-sexual class, so
many straight guys feel right at home and often comment on how much they enjoy
the class.
Do you allow Transgender (FTM) students?
People born biologically female who are in various stages of “becoming” male are
always welcome. Whether you have taken hormones, have undergone surgery or
simply identify as male, you are welcome. For the purposes of this class, you are
male when you say you are. If you are an FTM in any stage of transition, you are
welcome and encouraged to attend. Please visit our trans-man page for more info.
I have injuries/medial conditions. Is it safe for me to practice yoga?
Generally speaking, yes. You will want to tell your teacher about your issues before
you practice, and you should always inform your doctor before you start any
exercise program. That said, most doctors will enthusiastically support your doing
yoga with most medical issues. We can always modify your practice to fit your
unique needs once you have consulted with your doctor.
Why don’t you allow women?
We wanted to create a space where men can come together and bond in ways that are difficult in a mixed-gender group.
Are there any books/videos you suggest?
We have listed a number of books, videos, music and other products to support your practice in our online store.